Well, it was a week that went by pretty quick, in hindsight anyway. Not too much to report. Classes are moving along, students should be finishing up their monster project. We are realizing that this year is primarily experiential for students. Quality is a challenge when you are not working with students, rather guiding them through the steps remotely, and oftentimes without seeing their work easily, or at all before it is finished.
We did fire the kiln, some sheep came out (Check out hideNsheep on Instagram for updates on that project.), and a valentine piece I made for Cat. Slip cast and then modified, underglaze and glaze, single-fired. I am still playing some with the clay, beyond the class projects.

I submitted a mini-grant to the PTA for a new raku kiln, it is more expensive than what they typically fund, so now we wait to hear back. IF they don’t fund it, I may find a different source of funds, and it is in times like these that I want to focus on the Peninsula Pottery, a non-profit, I am just at a bit of a loss as to the next steps in promoting it, there are not many opportunities in COVID-times for that sort of thing.